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These are the permissions for the plugin. All commands in the commands column are separated by commas.

NOTE: All permissions must be given on the proxy

Free and premium

These permission are for the free and premium versions

ajqueue.joinfullThe plugin will still attempt to send you to full servers. Requires another plugin on the target server that will let you join when its full (e.g. Essentials).
ajqueue.joinfullserver.<server>Same as the ajqueue.joinfull permission, but only for <server>
ajqueue.manageRequired to run /ajqueue or any of its subcommands/ajqueue
ajqueue.manage.reloadAllows you to reload the config./ajqueue reload
ajqueue.manage.updateAllows you to use the update command./ajqueue update
ajqueue.manage.pauseAllows you to pause servers./ajqueue pause
ajqueue.manage.sendAllows you to send people to queues./ajqueue send
ajqueue.manage.kickAllows you to kick players from queues./ajqueue kick
ajqueue.manage.listAllows you to list the queues and the people in them/ajqueue list
ajqueue.manage.pausequeueserverAllows you to pause queue-servers for yourself them/ajqueue pausequeueserver
ajqueue.bypasspausedAllows you to bypass paused queues. Must be enabled in the config.
ajqueue.listqueuesAllows you to list the queues (more user-friendly command than /ajqueue list)/listqueues

Free only

These permissions are only for the free version. They have alternatives in the premium version, see below.

ajqueue.priorityGives the user priority, which will put them infront of players without priority
ajqueue.serverpriority.<server>Gives the user priority for <server>, which will put them infront of players without priority
ajqueue.stayqueuedAllows the player to stay queued 60 seconds after they disconnect from the proxy.

Premium only

These permission are for ajQueuePlus only.

ajqueue.bypassBypasses the queue and attempts to send you immediately. If you are not able to join, you will be put in the first position in the queue.
ajqueue.serverbypass.<server>Bypasses the queue for <server> and attempts to send you immediately. If you are not able to join, you will be put in the first position in the queue.
ajqueue.priority.<number>Gives the user priority, which will put them infront of players with lower priority (all players automatically get a priority of 0 by default)
ajqueue.serverpriority.<server>.<number>Gives the user priority for <server>, which will put them infront of players with lower priority (all players automatically get a priority of 0 by default)
ajqueue.joinfullandbypassCombines the functionality of the bypass permission and the fulljoin permission
ajqueue.joinfullandbypass.<server>Combines the functionality of the bypassserver permission and the fulljoinserver permission
ajqueue.stayqueued.<seconds>Allows the player to stay queued <seconds> seconds after they disconnect from the proxy.