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This is a guide that outlines how to use rewards.yml.

For both intervals and exceptions, only the commands and message options are required. All of the other options are optional.

For the commands, if you start it with [p], it will execute the command as the player instead of the console. When executing commands, the plugin will also replace {PLAYER} with the player's name. If you would like to suggest more placeholders for commands, feel free to join my discord server.

No rewards

If you would like to set the plugin to have no rewards, you can use this config:

# This is the rewards file.
# Here is a guide for this:
intervals: {}
exceptions: {}
message: ''
commands: []
message: ''
commands: []
message: ''
commands: []

Duplicate rewards

If you would like to have multiple rewards on one number but with slight differences, such as different areas, you need to do something extra.

Simply add a - then something unique after it. For example, a number. Everything after the - is ignored.

For exammple:

message: "&aCongrats! You got to {SCORE} jumps on the spawn parkour!"
areas: spawn
commands: []
message: "&aCongrats! You got to {SCORE} jumps on the end parkour!"
areas: end
commands: []

This is required due to a limitation with yaml overriding keys with the same name.


Here is an example of an interval with all options:

message: '&aCongrats! &7You got to {SCORE} jumps! &bHave a diamond!'
areas: 'spawn,shop'
- 'give {PLAYER} diamond 1'

This interval will give the player a diamond and a congrats message every 10 jumps (10, 20, 30, 40, etc). To add more commands to the command list, just add another line like this:

  - 'broadcast {PLAYER} just got a diamond on ajParkour!'

under the previous command. So the finished interval would look something like this:

message: '&aCongrats! &7You got to {SCORE} jumps! &bHave a diamond!'
areas: '!minigame'
- 'give {PLAYER} diamond 1'
- 'broadcast {PLAYER} just got a diamond on ajParkour!'


Here is an example of an exception with all options:

message: '&a&lCongrats!!! &7You got to &d&l100 &r&7jumps!! Awesome job! Have an emerald!'
cooldown: 15
areas: '!minigame'
first-time-only: false
- give {PLAYER} emerald 1

This exception will activate when the player reaches 100 jumps, but only if the exception has not been executed in the past 15 seconds. If first-time-only was true, the exception would only be executed if it has not been executed for that player before.

The same rules from exceptions apply for the commands option.

Per-area rewards

If you would like to have a reward only work in certain areas, then you can use the areas setting. You can put one or multiple areas. If you put multiple areas, you need to seperate them with commas. Example of one area: (this reward will only work in an area named spawn)

areas: 'spawn'

Example of multiple areas: (this reward will only work on the areas called spawn and shop)

areas: 'spawn,shop'

Not operator

If you would like rewards to work in all areas except a few, you can use the ! operator. Example: (this reward will work on all areas except one called minigame)

areas: '!minigame'

Example of multiple areas: (this reward will work on all areas except the ones named minigame and minigame-waiting)

areas: '!minigame,!minigame-waiting'


These rewards are special rewards.

Beat server record

This reward is activated when a player reaches the server's highscore. The message and commands work the same here as they do with other rewards.

This is the default:

message: '&a&lCongrats!&r&7 You reached the server high score!'
- give {PLAYER} emerald 1


This reward isnt really a reward, but is more an option for you to have a command execute when someone starts parkour. The message and commands work the same here as they do with other rewards.

This is the default:

message: ''
commands: []


This is exactly the same as the start special reward, except that it happens after the player falls instead of after they start.

This is the default:

message: ''
commands: []


If you have any questions, please join my discord server to ask questions or suggest features! I usually reply within 30 mins (unless I'm asleep of course). Here is an example of a complete rewards.yml with the examples above:

message: '&aCongrats! &7You got to {SCORE} jumps! &bHave a diamond!'
areas: '!minigame'
- 'give {PLAYER} diamond 1'
message: '&a&lCongrats!!! &7You got to &d&l100 &r&7jumps!! Awesome job! Have an emerald'
areas: '!minigame'
cooldown: 15
- 'give {PLAYER} emerald 1'
message: '&a&lCongrats, you made a jump!'
first-time-only: true
commands: []